Growth Strategy

Growth Strategy

In order to grow the business as expected and to meet personal and professional goals, Seema and Fearless Platinum Arts will require funding of approximately £10,000 in order to achieve success and to implement the below growth strategy.

With the funding required through government sources, Seema will be able to focus time and effort into growing the company and achieving revenue expectations of £64,000 by the third year of business.

From £21,600 in the first year, to £43,200 in the second year and a further increase to £64,000 by the third year, Fearless Platinum Arts will achieve the planned success through these specific steps:

  • Establish returning and referral clientele through high quality service
  • Implement marketing strategy to access new client bases
  • Increase operations

By obtaining £10,000 needed from government sources, Seema will be able to use the funds required towards church hall hire, equipment and merchandise.

The growth steps mentioned above will require a financial investment.

Without a full investment, Seema will prioritize the “must-have” expenses covered in order to maintain the highest probability of achieving the revenue expectations.

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